CNGEI Scouts involved in the rescue of valuable collection of books from earthquake damaged University Library The first stage of the work of recovery of the books in the University of L'Aquila Faculty of Arts Library was completed on 24 June 09. The...
At the conclusion of a very successful European event, we are pleased to recommend the Roverway site - www.roverway.is - for continuing information about the event.
Over 3,000 participants participated in a vibrant Opening Ceremony, with brass bands, a few short speeches, noteably from the Camp Chief, the Chief Scout of Iceland and the representatives of the European Scout Committee and Europe Committee WAGGGS...
Deadline extended The Organization of Bulgarian Scouts is looking for 2 volunteers who are Scouts and would like to commit themselves for the development of Scouting in Bulgaria, working in the YOUTH INFORMATIONAL VOLUNTARY CENTER in Varna. The...
Le Service Volontaire Européen (SVE) représente une fantastique opportunité pour un jeune. Par le biais du Programme Jeunesse en Action, le jeune peut vivre une expérience en tant que volontaire pendant une certaine période dans un pays étranger. La...
European Voluntary Service (EVS) is a fantastic opportunity for young people. Through the Youth in Action Programme they can experience a volunteering period in a country other than their own. The Region will now open a position for one young person...
In June, the Motivation and Promotion Unit met in Slovenia and worked on some interesting materials. A Euro.Scout.Doc was completed on Motivation in Scouting and this will soon be available on scout.org. The document discusses what motivation is and...
Citizens of the European Union will vote between 4 and 7 June 2009 for the next European Parliament. We believe that following the work achieved, the contribution of Scouting to Europe but also the needs of Scouting, it is time to make sure that our...
Participants from Delegates from 18 countries met in Sweden last week to work on the relationship between the European and Arab Regions. The aim of the meeting was to share ideas, develop partnerships and increase understanding between the Regions...
Giuseppe Porcaro of AGESCI, Italy is appointed as Secretary-General of the platform. European Scouting made again a significant contribution in strengthening the cooperation of European youth organisations in shaping policies. The membership of the...