In the mid of devastating floods in Pakistan, Rovers including leaders are taking part in the rescue and recovery efforts in the nearest relief camps in the affected areas. Presently, Rovers and Scout Leaders assist in relief efforts by collecting...
In December of 2009, the United Nations General Assembly in New York proclaimed, in resolution A/RES/64/134, that August 12 2010 – August 12 2011 will be the International Youth Year. This also coincides with the 25th anniversary of the first...
Clean Up the World Weekend on 17–19 September is fast approaching. It’s a weekend for celebrating your year-round achievements or organising your own local activity. This year, in support of the United Nation’s 2010 International Year of Biodiversity...
August 22, 2010 - Sunday kicked off the setting up process and beginning of the World Youth Conference 2010 Mexico in Leon, Guanajuato. A group of approximately 40 scouts from all over the world gathered in Poliforum Leon Sunday morning and put their...
August, 23, 2010 – Day 1 at the World Youth Conference 2010 Mexico and the youth didn’t hesitate to speak out about issues that affect their society. Members of the World Organization Scout Movement, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts...
Monday 23rd August, marked the beginning of the long awaited World Youth Conference 2010 which is taking place in Léon, Mexico. The event ran from the 23rd August to the 27th of August. The World Youth Conference (WYC) was an initiative of the...
We, Scout Association of Hong Kong are lucky to have the blessing of the Chinese Central Government Liaison Office in Hong Kong, and have their utter trust and confidence in conducting scouting activities in China in scout uniform. These functions...
A new area for training opens today on, for all the communication responsibles of the Scout Movement. The organization of the second series of regional communication Fora allowed to reinforce the training programme of those responsible for...
The Egyptian Federation for Scouts and Girl Guides has run 3 Scouts of the World Discoveries in 3 Environment protected areas. These discoveries was through 3 years (2008 – 2010) as part of the Egyptian trial for the Scouts of the World Programme...
The World Organization of the Scout Movement is happy to announce that Belarusian Republican Scout Association (BRSA has become the 161st Member Organization with effect from 5 September 2010. Scouting in Belarus was first seen in 1909 when the first...