Veronika is a 21-year-old Scout in Slovakia. She became active in community service actions during the COVID-19 pandemic when Slovakian Scouts led response efforts like delivering face masks and respirators.
El desafío es comenzar la conversación sobre la Tribu de la Tierra en tus escuelas, comunidades e iglesias. La idea es sensibilizar a otros jóvenes con datos reales sobre lo que está pasando a nuestro Planeta Tierra y cómo cada uno puede colaborar...
We are challenging you today to start the conversation about Earth Tribe in your Schools, communities and churches. The idea is to sensibilize other young people with real data about what is happening now to Earth and how they will be able to...
Ahmad Alhendawi, Secretary General of WOSM and Jutta Urpilainen, European Commission Directorate for International Partnerships, met to discuss the challenges facing young people around the world and Scouting’s role in supporting the European...
For more than 100 years, Scouts Canada has given millions of young people unique and enriching experiences towards developing important skills and values, encouraging them to be curious, adventurous, and responsible members of society.
2 Coordinators for the Interamerican Youth Network will be elected for the period between the Networks meeting in 2023, until the first network meeting after the Interamerican Scout Conference in 2026.
The National Scout Jamboree 2023 is the largest gathering of scouts in the Czech Republic since 1931. This event brings together 5,000 boys and girls aged 10-16, over 550 adult and teenage volunteers, and a large organisational team.
The 14th WOSM Agora, which took place in National Scout Centre of Fátima (Portugal) from April 12-16, saw more than 60 rovers from 21 countries representing 24 National Scout Associations coming together for four intensive days of an event 'for...
14-25 year old Scouts and volunteers made their way to Westminster Abbey to coordinate and support the Coronation, where HRH King Charles III was officially crowned on May 6, 2023.
Today, World Scouting - WOSM and the World Scout Foundation are thrilled to announce the launch of a brand new Scout Donation Platform as a dedicated space for Scouts to fundraise for community improvement projects in the areas of environment, peace...