Members of the two Priority Project Groups and the three Core Groups of the European Scout Region have had their second All Groups Meeting for this triennium, this time in the European Youth Centre in Budapest, from 30 January till 1 February 2015...
His Majesty The King, accompanied by Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen, graced the celebration of the first National Scouts Day on 21st February 2015, coinciding with His Majesty’s birth anniversary. The celebration will be observed from this year onwards...
Dear Friends, Today, all over the world, Scouts are gathered in different places to celebrate what would be the 158th birthday of Lord Baden Powell, Founder of the Scouting and Guiding Movements, alongside that of his wife, Lady Olave – with whom he...
The Scoutmaster’ Council of HASK held a meeting with the scout leaders of the organization on February 15. Chapter representatives summarized the results of 2014 and spoke about the obstacles overcome and the upcoming events. The Scoutmasters’...
It’s that time of the year to celebrate B-P again! Spread the birthday cheer to fellow Scouts around the world with WOSM's Founder’s Day cards. Download now.
It was in the year 1987 that I began my work as an adult volunteer serving the Scout Movement. Then began a long journey as a scout leader, a road full of challenges, a lot of learning, acquiring a very strong commitment to contribute to the...
An orchestra is much more than a group of talented musicians who gather to play the same musical piece. If each of those musicians interpreted their parts of the score on their own and followed their own timing, the performance would be a total...
The Association of Scouts of Azerbaijan is pleased to invite you to take part in “Wonderland Azerbaijan 2015”, an international camp that will be held in the Gadabay district of the Republic of Azerbaijan from 11 – 19 July 2015. The first Wonderland...
“The school deteriorated because of the intrusion of terrorists and outlaws who destroyed the garden in the school yard and demolished the wall surrounding the school. This allowed undisciplined students to leave the school without permission and go...
Blå spejder (Det Danske Spejderkorps, or the Blue Scouts, one of the National Scout Associations in Denmark) created a buzz on social and classical media yesterday when they annonced that they had bought (thanks to contributions from several...