Since 2019, a group of Mongolian Scouts has initiated a project called Zero Waste through Scouting in a campaign that encourages everyone, especially young people, to buy and consume only what they need and to reduce and manage their waste. This...

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Members of Madhya Howrah Bayam Samity Scout and Guide Group created a quick response team consisting of Rovers and Adult Leaders to assist affected communities hit by the AMPHAN cyclone last 20 May 2020. A total of 26 Scouts volunteered in providing...

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Gerakan Pramuka, led by the Messengers of Peace (MoP) National Team, initiated an event titled Indonesia Peace Border Camp (IPBC) 2020 on 22-23 February 2020 at Ranai, Natuna, Indonesia. The team chose Natuna as its location for the project to reach...

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“Moved by love of nature and preserving the beaches for the next generation to enjoy,” were the words of Zainuddin Ishak of Brunei Darussalam as 60 Scouts organised a beach clean-up. They collected over 35 kilos of plastic bottles and 20 kilos of non...

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Since the declaration of the COVID-19 Pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) back in March 2020, the Kuwait Boy Scouts Association immediately announced placing all the potentials and facilities of the Association including its hotel at the...

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Every year, Norwegian Scouts and Guides sew rainbow badges on their uniforms, put on rainbow scarves and participate in LGBTQ+ Pride parades across the country. Pride has been named “the year’s most important Scout trip” and connects Scouts of all...

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Scouts from Cote d’Ivoire have launched an entrepreneurship project dubbed Scouts in Action to contribute towards the COVID-19 response efforts. The project based in EPP BAD School in Adjamé involves sewing facemasks and making face shields for...

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The Scouts and Guides of Yemen facilitated the delivery of food assistance to displaced people sheltered in 80 centers while educating them on the precautionary measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The Scouts worked in cooperation with...

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In Monkey Bay, about 39 0 km away from the city of Lilongwe , Scouts in Malawi are running a dual awareness campaign targeting to provide communities with information on COVID-19 and Malaria. This is as a result of reduced access to treated mosquito...

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The Sustainable Development Goals could be sometimes perceived as an out-of-touch topic for young people. That is why It is crucial to constantly establish a meaningful link between these global goals and the reality of local communities. Youth...

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