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The 7th Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Leaders Summit was ceremonially inaugurated by H.E. Dr. Hansraj Bhardwaj, Governor of Karnataka State, India at Atria Hotel in Bangalore on 24th June 2010. More than 130 prominent Scout leaders from 22 countries in...

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“I have no hesitation to support Scouting for its noble values” is the message of the Honourable Minister Lord Tuivakano, Minister of the Training, Employment, Youth and Sports of the Government of the Kingdom of Tonga, while inaugurating the forum...

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Continuing the Committee NSO Visit ( CNV ) which the Asia-Pacific Region has undertaken since early 2008, now is the turn of the Pacific islands situated at the far extreme of the region. Fijian leaders welcomed the CNV team led by former Regional...

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Davao City, known as the fruit capital of the Philippines, located in southern part of the country, welcomes representatives from more than nine national Scout organizations (NSOs) and 16 local councils of Boy Scouts of the Philippines who are...

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“Visibility of Scouting through community projects can encourage a Scout to bring in others to join Scouting,” said National Chief Commissioner of Malaysia and Consultant to the Regional Scout Committee, Dato’ Kaharudin bin Haji Mo’min, at the APR...

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Toodyay is a tiny town – 4000 people, three pubs and a handful of community organisations, including a Scout Group. It’s a quiet little town, but it’s a town where the community spirit is unfailingly strong. In December 2009, our Scouts were...

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Over 100 young people of a local Scout group in Maldives had a wonderful Scouting experience as they pitched seven camps in seven atolls situated in the southern part of the country while travelling 20 days and 20 nights in the very first sea camp...

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Representatives of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) in the Asia-Pacific Region largely appreciated the progress of the Bharat Scouts and Guides (BSG) as a well...

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30 April 2010, Phnom Penh – Heading for further development of Scouting in Cambodia, the National Association of Cambodian Scouts (NACS) continues to strengthen its capacity building as they organize its first National Strategic Planning Workshop...

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A team from Bookbridge met with Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, on 23rd April 2010 in Berlin as part of the social project competition called “startsocial,” a yearly competition hosted by McKinsey and the Chancellor‘s office. For the huge...

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Bhutan Scouts Association recently organized its first major environmental project participated by more than 80 Scouts who dug up trenches, holes and made flower beds for over 1,000 plants including hedges, ornamental plants and bamboos. Chief...

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At the 8th Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Photo Contest, the photo entry “Nothing is Impossible” photographed by Frederick Bonifacio from the Philippines bagged the Gold Prize from among the 125 entries received from nine countries, namely, Australia...

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Boy Scouts of America team has embarked in Sri Lanka on 20th March 2010 for the last leg of their four-nation visit in the Asia-Pacific Region. The BSA team comprised of International Chairman Roger Schrimp, past International Chairman Kent Clayburn...

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“Preparing for the CNV has been a rare opportunity to synchronize our reports. We took a closer look at every department of the organization as part of an integrated whole”, said Hong Seung-Soo, Secretary General of KSA. Dr Young Joong Kang...

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Continuing their four-nation visit in the Asia-Pacific Region, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) team visited Bhutan on 15th March 2010 and met with the President of the Scout Council and Minister of Education and Sports Lynpo Thakur S Powdyel. During...

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