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On Friday 13 March 2009, under the banner, “Our Africa, Our Environment: Scouts Care”, the Scout fraternity commemorated Africa Scout Day with pomp. In Nairobi, where the regional office (ARO) is headquartered, that occasion was marked with an...

7 minutes

LUANDA - On 21 February 2008 The Scout Association of Angola held the first meeting of Area Commissioners. The event which brought together fifteen of the eighteen senior leaders at Area level, analyzed the state of preparedness ahead of the Second...

2 minutes

NAIROBI - The World Scout Bureau, Africa Regional Office (ARO) team held a special meeting in Nairobi from 21 to 29 January, 2009. This forum was chaired by the Acting Regional Director (ARD), Winston Adams. In attendance was the Geneva-based, Anne...

3 minutes

580 Scouts and Guides throughout the Arab region took to the beaches and rivers to help clean up their local water ways. This even included diving beneath the waters to collect rubbish that had washed up on the coastline. A special celebratory...

3 minutes

26th October 2009, Kuala Lumpur – The 6th APR Scout Youth Forum that provides an opportunity for young members the opportunity to discuss and express their views on issues affecting them ended on 25th October 2009. The youth forum had 107 young...

3 minutes

The main highlight of the 6th APR Scout Youth Forum was the election of new batch of the Young Adult Members Group (YAMG) for the period of 2009-2012. Youth forum participants elected seven representatives of the YAMG. They are Maeedh Mohamed Zahir...

3 minutes

Despite Pakistan facing several challenges daily on national security issues, Scouting activities remain alive in recent months in this country. In fact, on 20th October 2009, the National Scout Council of Pakistan Boy Scouts Association (PBSA)...

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In the presence of the Regional Scout Committee member Mr Prakorb Mukura, who is representing the Committee at the Board for the next three years, and chaired by Korea Scout Association International Commissioner Mr Simon Hang-Bock Rhee, the first...

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A total of 45 participants from 10 National Scout Organizations (NSOs) in the Asia-Pacific Region and from the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) participated in the first International Seminar on Intellectual Property at the...

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The Scout Association of Hong Kong (SAHK) and the Youth Federation of Sichuan signed two agreements on 27th July 2009, related to assistance for the reconstruction of two youth facilities in the cities of Mianyang and Deyang and multi-year support...

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The Vice President of the Government of Maldives Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik has called upon Scouts to be active and to be more aware of global danger of climate change, environment and drug abuse as challenges for today’s youth. He made the...

5 minutes

To strengthen the bond between former Scouts and Guides, the Malaysia (Fellowship of Former Scouts and Guides) FOFSAG, organized the International Scouts and Guides Fellowship (ISGF) Asia-Pacific Regional Gathering on 17h to 20th July 2009 in Pahang...

4 minutes

More than 1,000 Scouts from 24 provinces in Indonesia participated in the cultural camp organized by Gerakan Pramuka (GP) national headquarters with the Indonesian Culture and Tourism Department from 21st to 25th June 2009 at the Pancer Door, a beach...

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Scouts Australia officially launched one of its most remote Scout Groups in a simple ceremony on 8th May 2009 in the Kimberley region of western Australia. The Djarindjin/Lombadina Sea Scout Group is the most recent successful project under the...

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Since its admission to the World Scouting last year, the National Association of Cambodian Scouts (NACS) continues to make a steady progress, credited to having a balance national team of volunteers, leaders and young adults who share commitment of...

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