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The second in a series of training events for European National Scout Organisations (NSOs) on diversity and inclusion was recently held at Kapralův Mlyn, the International Scout Centre near Brno in the Czech Republic. We have asked some participants...

6 minutes

Are you passionate about Scouting? Would you like to contribute with your time, commitment and competence as a volunteer on World level? Then here is your opportunity! At the World Scout Conference in August 2014, representatives from National Scout...

2 minutes

(JUNAK/Praha) – On their way home from the recent World Scout Conference some leaders of Junák, the National Scout Organization in the Czech Republic, were discussing different aspects of youth empowerment within Scouting. Earlier this year a new...

9 minutes

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. To mark the 30th...

3 minutes

On the 6th of September 2014 over 1,400 Cubs and Scouts from the KZN Region are taking part in the Annual SCOUTS South Africa Rally. This year the event will take place from 08h00 to 15h00 at the Outdoor Centre in Ladysmith. Minister of Finance...

4 minutes

SOUTH AFRICA - On the 6th of September 2014 over 1,400 Cubs and Scouts from the KZN Region are taking part in the Annual SCOUTS South Africa Rally. This year the event will take place from 08h00 to 15h00 at the Outdoor Centre in Ladysmith. Minister...

4 minutes

(WSBERO/Ljubljana) – While delegates assembled at the 40th World Scout Conference in Ljubljana are in the middle of discussing draft resolutions, amendments and counter amendments addressing a number of matters which will impact the work of the World...

7 minutes

The 40th World Scout Conference today celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the Scouts of the World Award, which was started in 2004 to actively contribute to the United Nations Millennium Goals Campaign. Present at the celebration were Corinne Woods...

3 minutes

A thunder of applause welcomed the announcement of the appointment of João Armando Gonçalves from Portugal as the new Chairperson of the World Scout Committee. João will be supported by two Vice-Chairpersons: Jemima Nartey from Ghana, and Daniel...

2 minutes

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the occasion of the International Youth Day 2014: "Wide-ranging efforts at all levels are needed to raise awareness about the importance of investing in and supporting young people with mental health...

2 minutes

In 2013, the National Scout Movement of Armenia (Hayastani Azgayin Scautakan Sharjum Kazmakerputiun) started a Messengers of Peace project aimed at promoting organizational development and involving disadvantaged youth into Scouting. The main...

3 minutes

On the occasion of International Youth Day, the United Nations Secretary General's Envoy on Youth, Ahmad Alhendawi, issued a video message to the delegates of the 40th World Scout Conference in which he salutes “Scouts, the true global citizens”. The...

3 minutes

Day 3 started with the newly elected members of the World Scout Committee thanking the outgoing team for their great work over the past Triennium. This acknowledgement was followed by the presentation of another inspiring Messengers of Peace...

2 minutes

As a way to celebrate the country’s centenary of Scouting, in 2013, the Asociación de Scouts de Colombia started a challenging Messengers of Peace project aimed at supporting families living in vulnerable conditions. Under the theme “100 Dates, 100...

2 minutes

The 40th World Scout Conference started this morning in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Nearly 1400 participants and support team members from 130 countries have gathered for what is the largest international event in the history of Slovenia. In the first...

5 minutes