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Inside Rapid Response Initiative to recruit 1 million Scouts SouthernAfricaScoutLeasers caucus on youth role in nation building Rehabilitation of defective masts in public schools Forging forward with Scouting Basics Nigerian Scouts part of the...

1 minute

Your Scout Group is still undecided where to pitch their tents this summer? Then hurry up and register your patrol(s) for the Central European Jamboree 2014, hosted by Junák - svaz skautů a skautek ČR in Dosky in the Czech Republic! Find out all...

1 minute

This weekend, Scouts et Guides de France, one of the five National Scout Associations in France, held its Annual General Assembly at the Centre Scout de Jambville. Delegates from local Groups and Territories (equivalent of districts in other...

2 minutes

NAMIBIA - The Southern Zone Conference and Youth Forum was successfully held in Windhoek, Namibia under the theme “Scouting: Contributing Towards Nation-Building.” The Youth Forum was held from 28th – 30th April while the Conference ran from 30th...

2 minutes

(WOSM Europe/Beograd) – High floods in late spring seem to strike parts of Europe with a frightening regularity these days. While it was regions along the Danube, Elbe and Vltava rivers which suffered most last year, the last days saw large parts of...

7 minutes

Doina Postica (Moldova) and Jeremy Apert (France) represented World Scouting at the World Conference on Youth. The government of Sri Lanka organized the event from 6 to 10 May 2014 as part of the bigger process to evaluate the Millennium Development...

7 minutes

Scouting in Kenya started on 24th November 1910 and is the largest Youth Movement with over 500,000 Scouts and 40,000 Scout Leaders. RAPID RESULTS INITIATIVE (RRI) TO RECRUITING 1 MILLION SCOUTS The Kenya Scouts Association has developed a Rapid...

4 minutes

During April 22 - 24, in Waikkala, Sri Lanka, was held the meeting of the Global Support Team. The objectives of the meeting were making follow-up on overall progress of the Global Support project, exchange on National Scout Organization support...

2 minutes

In 2012, Ukraine started implementing the national project, "Peace Platform: Scouting unites Ukraine." On the 100th anniversary of Scouting in Ukraine and as part of the project, many Scout groups of the National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine...

4 minutes

The United Nations are conducting their biggest survey in the history of the UN in order to gather the opinion of the world regarding the future goals, that will replace the current Millennium Developemt Goals (MDGs). Scouts are partnering with the...

5 minutes

Archbishop Tutu was amazed to learn about all of the projects that Scouts are doing around the world. He understood that, by volunteering in the community, Scouts mimicked one of his famous quotes: "Do your little bit of good where you are; it's...

1 minute

This week is the Global Week of Action for “My World” – The United Nations Global Survey for a Better World. World Scouting has been actively participating in the global consultations and conversations around the processes to identify Post-2015...

3 minutes

Only the other day, The Scout Association (TSA, the National Scout Organisation in the United Kingdom) celebrated personal achievements at a big party hosted by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle on the occasion of Saint George’s Day...

6 minutes

Read the Africa Scout Region news in our monthly newsletter, Kudumail Inside Best practices in good governance and Scouting Building Leadership Capacity for Nigeria Scouts Trees for the World – One Scout One Tree in Ivory Coast Taking the Messengers...

1 minute

It was all pomp and colour as the Regional Director Africa Scout Region presided over the graduation ceremony of the Kenya School of Flying. This 21st Private Pilot Licence graduation ceremony for the school’s pilot trainees was held at its Orly Air...

4 minutes