News and Stories

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After the launch of several “Erasmus-Scout” initiatives by National Scout Organisations (NSOs) and National Scout Associations (NSA) in the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) over recent years, the delegates...

11 minutes

the 7th Africa Scout Jamboree will be held in from 1st – 10th August 2016 in Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire. The event, organized by the Africa Scout Region and hosted by Fédération Ivoirienne du Scoutisme, is expected to attract over 6, 000...

2 minutes

Just right after National Strategic Planning Workshop, Myannmar Scouts is now holding a Workshop on Youth Program Development still in Yangon, from 31 January to 5 February 2016. At the opening ceremony, Mayor of Yangon region government, U Hla Myint...

2 minutes

On 2nd February, Kenya Scouts Association (KSA) began a process of undergoing a mock audit of the Global Support Assessment Tool (GSAT) conducted by the staff of the World Scout Bureau Africa Support Centre. The primary focus of this mock audit...

3 minutes

The Australia Day Honours announced that Paul Parkinson OAM, Regional Chairman, is awarded the Medal of the Order (Queensland) and Reg Williams AM (South Australia), member of APR Monitoring Task Force, with the Member of the Order. The General...

1 minute

“It is our duty as Scouts and human beings to do everything we can to ensure that hope is not extinguished or lost”, wrote Θοδωρής Κεφαλάς, Chief Scout, in his message to members of Ελληνικός Προσκοπισμός (the Scouts of Greece, members of the World...

3 minutes

Last weekend, the Scouts and Sea Scouts of Lesvos (GR) (members of Scouts of Greece and the World Organization of the Scout Movement) celebrated the 103rd anniversary of Scouting on the island. The first Scout activities had taken place in #Mytilene...

2 minutes

Myanmar Scouts is currently holding a six-day National Strategic Planning Workshop at Yangon. The workshop, dubbed as ‘National Strategic Planning Workshop for Myanmar Scouts’’ is running from 24 to 29 January 2016. The workshop is geared towards the...

3 minutes

Together with a group of twelve other Scouts from FOS Open Scouting (one of the National Scout Associations in Belgium and member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement) Annemie, Klaas and Luc had decided to spend a weekend in northern...

7 minutes

After thousands of kilometres on the road, in dinghies and boats, in busses and overloaded trains, frequently moving form one means of transport to another, and often walking for days, refugees and migrants "finally" arrive at the border crossing in...

7 minutes

There may be lousy weather in Mytilene on the Greek island of Lesvos, where local Scouts have been very actively involved in refugee and migrant support activities for more than a year now: on the beaches and shores, on the streets and squares of...

3 minutes

A phantastic moment of public recognition for tens of thousands of ‪Cub Scout Leaders‬ and other ‪‎Adults in Scouting‬ in The Scout Association (United Kingdom, a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in the ‪European Scout Region‬)...

1 minute

On behalf of its Youth Empowerment Priority Project Group (YEPPG), the European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) launches the #PassItOn Campaign! Within the #PassItOn Campaign we want to take youth empowerment far...

6 minutes

Yesterday, January 18, the National Scout Association of Panama, officially launched the Challenge 2023, with the meeting of some guests who were part of our organization and we now add the effort to generate growth project our membership to join in...

2 minutes

Started in May 2015, the Messengers of Peace project on organisational skills reinforcement for Scoutisme Béeninois endeavours to help the leaders of the NSO in the implementation of reforms on non-conformity areas identified from by the SGS audit...

3 minutes