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Preparatory Training for MoP Volunteers The scouts of the National Scout Movement of Armenia “HASK” keep on getting prepared for carrying out their mission as Messengers of peace. On February 9 a training was held in “HASK” central office which...

1 minute

The Messengers of Peace continues to use right promotional approach in different Scouting events. Most recent was the New Zealand Jamboree, held on 28 December to 6 January 2014, where the MoP base got an excellent location, close to the main camping...

4 minutes

Typhoon Haiyan occurred on 9th November 2013, devastating many communities across central Philippines. Tens of thousands have died and millions have been displaced from their homes. The World Scouting team visited Scout Groups supporting...

7 minutes

South African social rights activist, anti apartheid hero and Nobel Peace Prize (1984) laureate Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu has been a great supporter of Scouting throughout his life. Today, he received representatives of World Scouting and the...

3 minutes

Seventy five young leaders representing 26 District Associations from Karnataka State Bharat Scouts and Guides, India gathered at their National Training Center Dr.Annie Besant Park in Dodabalapur to participate in the Messenger of Peace Karnataka...

2 minutes

It was my immense pleasure to visit the Lebanese Messengers of Peace project ‘Rebirth of the Phoenix’ to support Syrian Refugees in the country. National leaders in Lebanon joined a visiting World Scouting team to praise Scouts in Lebanon for their...

8 minutes

NIGERIA - The Scout Association of Nigeria during the weekend of 5th – 8th of December 2013 organized the 1st National Executive Committee Retreat and Team Building Workshop after the elections of the Principal Officers of the Organization. In...

5 minutes

The 67th Baden-Powell World Fellowship Event took place from 26th to 30th November 2013 in Kyoto, Japan. The B-P Fellowship Chapter of Japan planned the entire event under the leadership of World Scout Foundation Board member Mr. Masaya Arao to a...

6 minutes

This year the Ticket to Life (TTL) Project national coordinators met from 6-9 December 2013 in Karachi, Pakistan, and mapped out a strategic plan with a short and long-term effect for the coming year of 2014. Guest speaker at the Opening Ceremony was...

4 minutes

BETHLEHEM – In early December each year, a young Austrian girl or boy travels to Bethlehem to light a special Peace Light at the Church of the Nativity. The Peace Light then travels back to Vienna, Austria, to be shared with people from all over the...

4 minutes

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today - 5th December - is a very special day, not only for Scouting, but also for hundreds of millions of people who volunteer to help make the world a better place. Today is the International Volunteer Day. On this...

5 minutes

It is much more than an ASEAN Scout Jamboree with the participation of National Scout Organizations from 16 countries including the host – Thailand. Over 5,000 Scouts took part in the Jamboree at the Vajiravudh Scout Camp in Chonburi Province.

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Michael (12), from Kematen an der Krems in Upper Austria, was a very proud teenager when he travelled to Bethlehem last Tuesday. In fact, he had been selected to light this year’s ORF Peace Light at the eternal flame in the Church of the Nativity and...

5 minutes

BANGON ILOILO - A relief operation organized by the Boy Scouts of the Philippines Iloilo (Confesor) Council and ESOP-ILOILO Chapter - was organized to help the victims of Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda in Northern Iloilo. On 16th November 2013 the first wave...

3 minutes

COP19/CMP9 - Jörn Becker, Ana Ferreira and Nhattan Nguyen, members of the World Scouting delegation, got an opportunity to meet with UN Secretary-General's Envoy of Youth Mr Ahmad Alhendawi at the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP19 taking...

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