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Like many other Scouts across the European Region, the Venture Scouts (Pioners i Caravelles) from Agrupament Escolta i Guia Jaume Caresmar i Maria Salvà, from Igualada, near Barcelona, have just returned from their Summer camp. But for the 26 Guides...

6 minutes

#MyScoutCamp2014 Ventures from Pfadfinder Gloggnitz (Lower Austrian Gudies and Scouts, Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs) taking a refreshing mud bath during the recent International Scout Camp Wurzl'14 in Salzburg, Austria. To find out what...

1 minute

For some of the Venture Units in Portugal this is the busiest period in the summer: they are in the middle of final preparations of “Down River”, an impressive river rafting activity organised by local Scout Groups for the tenth time on the Albufeira...

5 minutes

Today, the story behind the main design element of the logo of this year's Academy was disclosed! Check the event's website to find it out! On the same website you will also discover a lot about the programme of this major event for training, sharing...

1 minute

The final day of the 40th World Scout Conference started with the recognition of three individuals, Mario Diaz Martinez, Derek Twine, and M. Georges El-Ghorayeb who received the Bronze Wolf Award for outstanding service to Scouting. Following a...

3 minutes

(WSBERO/Ljubljana) – While delegates assembled at the 40th World Scout Conference in Ljubljana are in the middle of discussing draft resolutions, amendments and counter amendments addressing a number of matters which will impact the work of the World...

7 minutes

In 2013, the National Organization of Romanian Scouts (Cercetasii României) launched a Messengers of Peace project to celebrate the centenary of Scouting in the country under the theme “100 years of Scouting, 100 years of education, hundreds of...

3 minutes

The 40th World Scout Conference today celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the Scouts of the World Award, which was started in 2004 to actively contribute to the United Nations Millennium Goals Campaign. Present at the celebration were Corinne Woods...

3 minutes

A thunder of applause welcomed the announcement of the appointment of João Armando Gonçalves from Portugal as the new Chairperson of the World Scout Committee. João will be supported by two Vice-Chairpersons: Jemima Nartey from Ghana, and Daniel...

2 minutes

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the occasion of the International Youth Day 2014: "Wide-ranging efforts at all levels are needed to raise awareness about the importance of investing in and supporting young people with mental health...

2 minutes

On the occasion of International Youth Day, the United Nations Secretary General's Envoy on Youth, Ahmad Alhendawi, issued a video message to the delegates of the 40th World Scout Conference in which he salutes “Scouts, the true global citizens”. The...

3 minutes

Day 3 started with the newly elected members of the World Scout Committee thanking the outgoing team for their great work over the past Triennium. This acknowledgement was followed by the presentation of another inspiring Messengers of Peace...

2 minutes

The keynote address by Former President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Wałęsa, who was not able to attend the opening of the 40th World Scout Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia, was delivered by John May, Vice Chairman of the World Scout Committee...

10 minutes

Report to the World Scout Conference: Scouting is a Movement of young people, supported by adults. From WOSM’s total membership of over 40 million, more than 82% are young people. They are in their formative years; acquiring knowledge, skills and...

1 minute

The 40th World Scout Conference started this morning in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Nearly 1400 participants and support team members from 130 countries have gathered for what is the largest international event in the history of Slovenia. In the first...

5 minutes