
Partnerships are vital to empowering young people and creating a better world. World Scouting proudly works with like-minded organisations across the non-profit, government, and private sectors. Together, this network of collaborators and partners shares a wealth of expertise, resources and financial support to contribute to youth programmes, initiatives, events and operations worldwide.

Alwaleed Logo
UNWomen Logo
UNVolunteers Logo
Scouts shaking hands

Be a part of a global movement that empowers future leaders and is acting as a champion to create a more peaceful and sustainable world.

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a scout sitting with an elder talking
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© World Scout Bureau Inc. / Enrique Leon

Contribute to the world’s leading educational youth movement by funding World Scouting’s initiatives and events, or donating to local youth-led projects.

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Big 6 Youth Organizations

As one of the largest youth movements in the world, we are proud to be a member of the alliance of the Big 6 Youth Organizations. Rooted in millions of local communities around the world, the Big 6 Youth Organizations collectively has involved more than 250 million young people and contributed to the empowerment of more than 1 billion young people over the last century.

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Duke award
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World Scout Foundation

​​The growth and development of World Scouting is made possible by financial and other support from the World Scout Foundation. The Foundation unites a global network of passionate supporters who back young people in their quest to create a better world.

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scout shop branded polo shirts, water bottle and bag
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world scout shop

World Scout Shop

The World Scout Shop is the official commercial partner of the World Scouting. It offers a wide range of Scouting products and merchandise. All profits generated by the shop are returned to Scouting.

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scouts talking to an external partner
Авторские права (Copyright)
World Scout Bureau - Enrique Leon

Organizations with Consultative Status

A number of Scouting organizations enjoy Consultative Status with the World Scout Committee. These organizations enhance the capacity of Scouting to fulfil its mission by offering complementary support in fields that are not part of World Scouting’s normal functions.

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