
Scouts from all over the world can take part in exciting events, programmes, activities, and projects to challenge themselves, encourage the spirit of friendship and global citizenship, and build skills that will last a lifetime. Find your next adventure here!

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A planning team member takes a picture of 4 Rovers that smile at the camera.
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Linnea Wedelin
Regional Tirana, Албания
Global Kandersteg, Швейцария
Group picture 24th European Scout Conference.
Regional Vienna, Австрия
16th World Scout Moot
Global Lisbon and Porto, Португалия
Regional Antananarivo, Мадагаскар
Regional Antananarivo, Мадагаскар
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Event Stories

Denmark National Scout Jamboree 2022 stage.
3 минуты
UK flag
2 минуты
Audience during the World Scout MOOT in Iceland.
3 минуты

Past Events

A guide holds a flipchart and smiles.
Regional Höör, Швеция
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Ingabire Florent
Regional Antananarivo, Мадагаскар
Global Sharjah, Объединённые Арабские Эмираты
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Ahmed Daoud - Egypt
Regional Kuwait City, Кувейт
Senior Scout Adventure Logo
National Cederberg, Южная Африка
A group of people smile at the camera and raise their hands.
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Till Sanders
Regional Kraków, Польша
European Communications Forum
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World Scout Bureau - Júlia Pérez Lema
Regional Sofia, Болгария
jota joti
European Sustainability Forum
Авторские права (Copyright)
© World Scout Bureau Inc.
Regional The Ranch, Греция
world scout conference
Global Cairo, Египет
Regional Rogaland, Норвегия
The Ocean Decade cover
A group of people listen to a presentation.
Regional Bangor, Великобритания