Brazil Scouts Rising Together: Post-Flood Reconstruction

3 minutos
In the wake of the devastating floods in Rio Grande do Sul, Scouts in Brazil together with Escoteiros do Brasil (the National Scout Organization in the country) have mobilised to support recovery and reconstruction efforts. 
Persistent rainfall over the past two weeks - with more downpours forecast in the coming days - has put the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul in a state of emergency. More than 300 cities have already been affected by the intense floods, including the local capital of Porto Alegre, displacing over 150,000 people. Some towns have become isolated and at least 130 people are missing.
Responding to the extreme weather event, Escoteiros do Brasil sprung into action working together with government officials to support a comprehensive response plan that addresses immediate needs and kickstarts the recovery process. Supporting this, Escoteiros do Brasil has launched a fundraising campaign “Brazil Scouts Rising Together: Post-Flood Reconstruction”  through the Scout Donation Platform to direct donations towards the recovery and relief efforts.
Scouts reconstruction
Funding raised by Escoteiros do Brasil will provide urgent relief to those affected, help restore stability to communities, and pave the way for longer-term recovery. Funds raised through the project will be directed towards delivering humanitarian assistance, including personal hygiene kids, medical and first-aid supplies, and sanitation products to prevent disease outbreaks.
Assistance will also be given towards setting up shelter centres for people who have been displaced, providing nutritious meals and potable water to those in need, offering temporary shelters for animals, and restoring the Scout headquarters as a hub for Scouting activities in the community. 
Scouts gathering food
The Scout Movement offers its support and stands in solidarity to everyone affected in Brazil as the country responds to the catastrophic floods and begins to rebuild the communities that have been impacted. 
Want to support the recovery and relief efforts? Here’s how you can help:
  • Donate: Every contribution, no matter how small, will directly impact the people and communities affected by the floods. Your donation will go towards providing essential supplies, supporting shelters, and aiding in the reconstruction efforts.

  • Spread the word: Share the fundraising campaign with your friends, family, and networks. The more people who know, the greater our collective impact.

  • Advocate: Encourage your local Scout groups to join the cause. Together, we can amplify our efforts and reach even more people in need.

  • Follow: Follow the contributions of Scouts in Brazil as they continue cleanup and recovery efforts.

To contribute to emergency response appeals and other Scout-led community projects, visit the Scout Donation Platform today!