Empowering and Transforming Scouting activities with Pathfinder Scouts Vietnam Youth Forum 2023

2 minutos

Following the success of the first event 3 years ago, the 2nd Pathfinder Scouts Vietnam National Youth Scout Forum was held in Ho Chi Minh City on 3-5 February 2023, gathering more than 100 young potential Scout Leaders & Rovers from all units across the country.

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To make it more effective, there were pre-forum sessions held to support the participants spread throughout the month. The Forum became a place of empowerment of young people as they vote with 10 recommendations to the National Scout Assembly. Not only that, this provided an avenue for the youth to discover themselves and develop social skills with debates, presentations, collaboration with other young people, and explore different international opportunities that they could tap to.

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Topics that were covered with international guests and non-Scout experts are the following:

  • Understanding the Youth Involvement in Scouting
  • World Opportunities - Because Scouting is not just about survival skills
  • Mental Health Aid Kit 
  • Developing Humanism for youth
  • Youth advisors talkshow 
  • SDGs in Actions
  • How to Nurture your passion
  • Interpersonal dialogue skills
  • Forum’s recommendation and amendment voting
  • National Youth Advisors 2023-2026 election
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The event marked a strong transformation in activities and maturity of young Scouts in implementing the youth programme, closing the 3 exciting years of the Youth Force Project led by the first generation of Youth Advisors and set the great foundation for a new generation with high hopes.

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Since the first National Youth Forum was held in 2020 - a year after Vietnam officially returned to World Scouting with full membership, Vietnam Scouts have had a big transformation - closer to world programmes and initiatives, exploring new types of activities and especially, making a stronger impact on the community, bringing the Scouting image in the country to the next level!

To know more about this event, you can check out these links for their page and watch the recap video: