European Youth Agora

The Agora is an educational tool that uses the Scout Method to reach the educational objectives for the Rover age section and that has a special emphasis on youth empowerment.
What makes an Agora so special is that it is an event run “for Rovers, by Rovers”. As a result, the event looks at issues that are of importance and relevant to young people in our society today.
The Agora aims to be a meeting place in which dreams, feelings, concerns, experiences, ideas and paths cross together, are connected and shared; a crossroad that would be a source of inspiration and energy. It is a place where the fundamentals of Scouting are present in a way that is attractive to young people today. It is a place for debate and sharing as well as teaching and learning from one another. And most importantly, an Agora is about getting new motivation and direction to one’s path as a rover.
Theme of the 2023 edition: Sustainability
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