Interamerica Scout Region

The Interamerica Scout Region is at the forefront of Scouting in the region, supporting more than 30 member National Scout Organizations in Central, North, and South America. Scouting continues to gain popularity across the region with over 3 million Scouts having joined Movement.

Through various activities, Scouting contributes to the development of young people so that they can achieve their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual potential as individuals and as responsible citizens in their local, national, and international communities.

Member Organizations
3 million
Services delivered to NSOs
Regional consultants
Earthtribe y Scouts
2 minutos
Scouts de Guyana y Fundación EMC
3 minutos
Scouts sonriendo haciendo una actividad
4 minutos


interamerica foundation
Stop Killer Robots Campaign
special olympics

Social media