10 Reasons to Volunteer in Scouting

4 minutos

Scouting is one of the largest volunteer-based movements in the world, with 57 million members, including over 5 million adult volunteers! 

Why are so many people getting involved with Scouts? Scouting gives you so many opportunities to grow personally, professionally and socially. 

Here are 10 ways that volunteering with Scouts will give back to you:

  1. You become an active citizen.

    You are needed! Volunteering gives you a chance to empower young people and to create the kind of community and world you want to live in. 

  2. You become innovative.

    Depending on the role you take on, you can build skills in leadership, communication, planning, self-management and more. All of this adds up and helps to improve skills for life - from teamwork and self-management to problem-solving and people skills. 

  3. You become part of a huge family.

    Volunteering gives you access to the Scout family, which means you instantly gain more than 57 million brothers and sisters around the world! You’ll meet people with similar interests and make life-long friends you'll love taking on adventures with.

  4. You become more confident.

    Volunteering is a fun challenge! Helping others to achieve their goals and succeed can lead to greater self-esteem and encourage you to face and overcome other challenges.

  5. Your time is appreciated.

    Do you have time to give once a week? Once a month? Once a year? Volunteering with Scouts is based on a flexible model as agreed upon with your group. Any time you can commit is appreciated! 

  6. You become experienced.

    Volunteering improves your employability by equipping you with skills & knowledge that employers love! Besides those named already, it helps show your commitment, passion and creativity. It shows that you have an interest in improving your community and yourself. Plus, you’ll get to take part in some great training programmes.

  7. You become healthier.

    Yes, it’s true! Studies show that when you focus on someone other than yourself, stress levels start to decrease, the immune system is strengthened and sense of satisfaction increases. Bring on the sense of purpose and positive emotions! (Those hiking and camping trips can’t hurt, either!)

  8. You become a changemaker.

    In 2015, the United Nations announced the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at its heart. Scouts are committed to forming the world’s largest coordinated youth contribution to the SDGs by 2030. And you can be a part of #Scouts4SDGs

  9. You become inspired.

    Meeting new people, changing your routine or taking a break to think about others can change how you see the world and spark new interests. You might come up with ideas to improve yourself, or even discover a new life calling! This shift in perspective opens your mind, and helps to build bridges of purpose and new commitments in life.

  10. You have fun!

    While volunteering needs to be treated with the utmost respect, it’s also REALLY fun! You meet new people, embrace diversity and discover new adventures. By helping children and young people to unleash their full potential, you also open the door for YOUR POTENTIAL to bloom!

Are you ready to join us and create a better world? You can start locally, nationally or go global! Pick your area of interest and learn more:

  • Interested in becoming a Scout Leader? Your National Scout Organization (NSO) can help you get in touch with a local group.
  • Interested in supporting your NSO? Reach out to them directly through our directory.
  • Interested in supporting at the global level with WOSM? Follow @worldscouting on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to be the first to know when we have our next Open Call for volunteers at the global level.
  • Interested in short-term volunteering in the Swiss Alps? Learn about volunteering at Kandersteg International Scout Centre.

We hope this has been helpful and that you'll have a great journey ahead volunteering in Scouting!

Already volunteering? Don't forget to share your experience on Instagram or Twitter to help inspire others! Use the hashtag #Scouts so we can share.