APR Foundation Youth Member
In celebration of its Silver Jubilee, the APR Scout Foundation introduces its special membership category, the “APR Foundation Youth Members”.
This initiative extends the opportunity to young people who are actively supporting Scouting through their contributions to the Foundation.
With this youth membership to the Foundation, young people would improve their understanding of fundraising, being empowered to become part of the Foundation, contributing growth in Scouting and support community development undertaking in their respective communities.
The “APR Scout Foundation Youth Membership” category will officially be launched on 12 August 2018, on the occasion of the Rover Centenary and International Youth Day.
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Editor's Note: The APR Scout Foundation will be launching the Youth Membership Category on 12 August 2018 at The Plaza Restaurant in Macau. All are invited and confirmation is only until 6 August 2018. If you are interested, please contact Iza Capinlac (iza@scout.org), Cecille Tan (cecille@scout.org) and Linda Chou ( info@scout.org.mo / lindayua2005@yahoo.com.hk).
General Info Macau.pdf