
New Local Groups Created
Scout Leaders Trained
Board Members Trained

Training New Youth and Scout Leaders

The formation of new local youth and Scout groups requires an increasing number of youth leaders to equip them with the skills required to organise and facilitate high-quality non-formal education activities. 

To accomplish this, partners from Montenegro, Albania, and North Macedonia have engaged with various stakeholders to recruit and train new young leaders.

They organised a series of meetings and discussions involving parents, legal guardians, and community leaders, particularly from local minorities. These meetings were pivotal in agreeing on an action plan and collaborating with relevant local authorities and institutions. This approach has helped build confidence and trust between the community and the organisations.

four young people create small constructions with sticks and ropes.
Сојуз на извидници на Македонија

Implementing Safeguarding

A significant achievement for the three partner organisations has been enhancing and establishing national Safe from Harm policies, now embedded within each country's legal framework. These policies include comprehensive background checks and stricter requirements for working with minors and youth. All managers across the partner organisations have successfully completed the mandatory Safe from Harm advanced e-learning course, making it a prerequisite for young individuals to participate in training and events organised under the S.Y.S.P.U.C. project.

Adults in Scouting listen to a presentation.

Scouts of Albania Founding Assembly

In April 2023, the Scouts of Albania held their Founding Assembly. During this assembly, they adopted the National Youth Programme Albania and the new Scouts of Albania constitution. Additionally, the Assembly approved the first version of the Youth Programme. Similar efforts were made in North Macedonia and Montenegro, where the Youth Programmes were reviewed and improved to better support their organisational development.