
“Kuzuzangpo la, do you segregate your waste at home?” asked Karma Dolma, a 13-year old Scout to the two elderly people. When the two answered that they don’t, Karma explained the importance of waste management. Karma is one of the 2,600 Scouts and...

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This Earth Hour, we’re calling on all Scouts to shine a light on climate action and help #changeclimatechange. Put your skills, time and resources to good use and make a positive difference for the environment. Here are some suggestions: 1. Start a...

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This “sort, reduce, recycle” project aimed to reduce pollution by emphasising on the importance of sorting out and recycling waste, and how the community can play an important role in sustainable development. It also promoted partnerships between the...

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The Scout Organization of Serbia in cooperation with Green list of Serbia organised a national Cub Scout event called “5th of June – My Day” in the capital city of Belgrade and celebrated the World Environment Day.

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