WOSM Statement on Boy Scouts of America Reported Cases of Abuse

We are deeply saddened, shocked and outraged to learn of the immense scale of historic abuses reported in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).
The pain, trauma and suffering endured by the survivors of these horrific acts is truly unconscionable and heartbreaking. We have reached out to the BSA to emphasise that all victims should be fully heard and supported, and that the Scout Movement sides fully and unequivocally with the victims.
The Scout Program in the United States has supported tens of millions of young people for more than 110 years, but serious failures have happened in the past where perpetrators carried out these horrendous acts against young people.
While a rigorous system for safeguarding has been put in place in recent decades to ensure Scouting is safe for all, we call on the BSA to continue to observe their responsibility towards victims, conduct an honest learning and deep reflection of past failures, and implement the necessary reform at all levels of the organization.
Scouting is a force for good, and we should maintain the mission of Scouting for the development of young people. Acknowledging and regretting the failures of the past, supporting survivors of abuse, and making sure that these learnings are embedded across the organization are all critical to ensure the renewal of the BSA to serve current and future generations of young people.
Related links: WOSM Statement on BSA Financial Restructuring