Welcome to Malaysia!

Today, the team at the World Scout Bureau – Kuala Lumpur Office is pleased to welcome the 21 members of the World Scout Committee and six Youth Advisors to Malaysia as they prepare to meet over the next several days.
Selamat Datang, Welcome to Malaysia, our new home!
We are very honoured that the World Scout Committee, led by Chairperson João Armando Gonçalves, chose to hold this important meeting to finalize the plans for the Triennium 2014-2017 in Kuala Lumpur. The Kuala Lumpur Office was officially opened by the Prime Minister of Malaysia on 18 June 2014.
This marks a new chapter in World Scouting. A new, additional World Scout Bureau office location , a new World Scout Committee, and a new triennium. Exciting times are ahead of us, and all of our WSB locations around the globe look forward to working closely with the World Scout Committee and everyone in World Scouting to create a better world.
Here is wishing the World Scout Committee a good and productive meeting, and a wonderful weekend in Malaysia.
Again, Selamat Datang!
Yours in Scouting
Scott A. Teare
Secretary General
World Organization of the Scout Movement