National Organization of Romanian Scouts promotes inclusive activities for children and youth

In 2013, the National Organization of Romanian Scouts (Cercetasii României) launched a Messengers of Peace project to celebrate the centenary of Scouting in the country under the theme “100 years of Scouting, 100 years of education, hundreds of Romanian Messengers of Peace”.

During the past 23 years, Romania has been going through a transition period, which is now affecting various levels of society. Due to these circumstances, a high percentage of Romanians have left the country since the 1990s in search of better living conditions abroad. The ones who have decided to stay are no longer actively engaged in the country’s decision-making processes, as they have lost their total faith in public institutions and sectors.

In order to increase youth engagement and participation, Romanian Scouts have been promoting different Scout activities for children and youth in disadvantaged situations and impoverished communities, whose access to educational programs and activities is limited.

Thus, through this project and the backing of the Messengers of Peace Support Fund, Scouts are not only reaching marginalized children and youth, giving them the opportunity to participate in non-formal educative activities, but also spreading Scouting’s positive values and attitudes so to help create a better world. As a result, the organization has already seen an increase of its membership in the country.