U Fund supports the fight against HIV in Kenya

2 minutes

NAIROBI - From 28 May to 2 June 2009, Langata Scouts (Kenya Scouts Association) held a Training of Trainers workshop on HIV and AIDS at Rowallan Scout Camp thanks to the support of the U Fund. Key topics covered included: discovery of self, developing healthy relationships, understanding sex and sexuality, decision making, basic facts on HIV and AIDS, risk and risk assessment, prevention and risk reduction, stigma and discrimination, STIs, communication, problem solving and conflict resolution and drug and substance abuse.

The workshop was officially opened by the National Executive Commissioner of Kenya Scouts Association Mr. Alfred Miriti Mangu.

Each of the participants will be required to reach at least 15 of their peers with positive messages within the next three months. They will also conduct two peer educators training supported under the U Fund within the month of august.

Picture: © WSB/ARO Jonathan