A new Chief Scout for Canada


On April 8th 2011, as the 20th Chief Scout of Canada, the General Governor of Canada expressed his commitment to work for the benefit of the Scout Movement and the “Association des Scouts du Canada”, in the presence of Mr. Jean-François Champagne, President of the Association and Mr. Robert Nowlan, National Commissioner and head of the Association.

As Chief Scout of Canada, he has accepted to preside the national decorations ceremonies, which recognise Scouts that have distinguished themselves through unparalleled projects or though their exemplary career.

By this sacrament, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston continues the Canadian tradition by being the 20th General Governor to become Chief Scout of Canada. Since 1910, when Lord Baden Powell personally asked the Earl Grey to become the 1st Chief Scout of Canada, the General Governors through the century, have contributed to give pride to the youth and make them worthy of their commitments.

Picture 1: Intronisation of his Excellency Honorable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, under Chief Scout of Canada, © Association des Scouts du Canada

Picture 2: Heroism degree silver for Mr Marc-Andre Lefebvre