12-year-old Scout helps hundreds of healthcare workers using 3D printer

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Quinn Callander, now known as the 12-year-old who saved hundreds of healthcare workers from mask discomfort and bruising, is a Scout from Canada. Having purchased a 3D printer last year to make woggles for his Scout camp, several weeks ago Quinn decided to use his skills and the machine for a greater good and respond to an underlying pain that healthcare workers are facing during Covid-19. 

After testimonies and images circulated of healthcare workers being bruised by wearing a face mask for prolonged periods of time, Quinn began producing ‘ear guards’, a special hooked strap that enables healthcare workers to adjust their masks to their own comfort, resulting in less pain on their ears and face.

Quinn researched and tested various designs before mass producing the most effective and comfortable ear guard, and distributing to local hospitals.

“I feel like during this time, in this pandemic, where we have to stay at home in order to protect others, that we should try our best to contribute to the people who are risking their lives to save ours. And we’ll just try and help until we don’t need to anymore,” shared Quinn. 

So far, Quinn has produced over 500 ear guards and distributed to local workers and hospitals, receiving immense positive feedback from users, who shared with Quinn that they no longer feel that pain at the back of their ears while on the job anymore.

“Thank you for making these! They are very valuable to keeping us comfortable & masked,” reported a healthcare worker who used Quinn’s ear guards, in The Washington Post’s coverage of his work. 

His project first gained traction after Quinn’s mother posted about it on Facebook to his Scout group in British Columbia. The post was instantly circulating across the Internet and shared over 462,000 times. 


Due to the popularity of his project, and sharing the ear guard’s design to encourage owners of 3D printers to replicate the initiative, the design has been downloaded over 60,000 times in different parts of the world. The design file is available at Thingiverse for others to make a difference for their local health care workers.

Several manufacturers in the United States have reached out to Quinn’s family informing them that they will be producing and donating thousands of Quinn’s ear guards across the US and Canada.

Quinn joined our team in a virtual interview, after finishing an online meeting with his Scout group. Quinn told us that being a Scout since he was five years old, Scouting has influenced him to always want to help others in any way he can, which the 12-year-old has demonstrated at an incredibly impactful scale during this time of great need.

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, Scouts around the world have been responding to the needs of their communities on an individual and group levels from awareness raising to deliveries of essential items. World Scouting set up a Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund, where you can donate to help Scouts continue supporting their communities in need.

Meet Quinn and learn more about his inspirational project: