At the service of NSOs: ARO executives hold a planning meeting


NAIROBI – At the end of a meeting that brought together all World Scout Bureau executives in Kandersteg, Switzerland, the Africa Regional Office (ARO) executives – who were at the meeting – seized this moment to conduct a planning meeting from 17 to 19 April 2010, at the Kandersteg International Scout Centre.

High on the Agenda was a mid-term review of the current yearly operational plan (YOP). Also, participants took stock of the progress of the implementation of the last phase of the 10-year development plan.

The main focus was to identity ways of strengthening the capacity of NSOs (National Scout Organizations) in Africa.

The Regional Director, M. Frederic T. Kama-Kama, in his statement of vision, said that, “In the next decade, Africa will be underpinned by capacity strengthening of the Scouts at all levels while concurrently introducing projects, some of which are already underway. By 2020, the Africa Scout Region will be financially independent and have more than two million members.”

Image: © WSB/ARO