Scout Donation Platform launches global crowdfunding challenge

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The Scout Donation Platform is challenging all Scouts working on a project for any of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and seeking funding. World Scouting is launching a worldwide competition as part of the larger Scouts #MakeItHappen digital campaign that aims to activate 50 million Scouts to take action towards the SDGs in the 50 days leading up to the World Scout Jamboree in July 2019. 

Scouts #MakeItHappen is part of World Scouting’s flagship Scouts for SDGs initiative and builds on a commitment to deliver four billion hours of community service in making the world's largest coordinated youth contribution to the SDGs by 2030. 

For community projects that require financial support, the campaign urges Scouts to participate in a #MakeItHappen Challenge to crowdfund donations with the support of their National Scout Organization (NSO) via the Scout Donation Platform. During the campaign, three Scouts will have the opportunity to receive up to USD 1,000 in matched funding to implement their community projects. 

“The Scout Donation Platform is the place for Scouts who need financial support to make their project a reality by sharing their story, engaging with audiences all around the world and crowdfunding for a cause they believe in, from planting trees to providing humanitarian aid after a crisis,” said Luis Aguayo, Junior Manager, National Scout Organization Services. 

“We are really excited to see what Scouts around the globe will raise funds for, as their actions, big or small are the ones making a difference in our communities,” he continued.

Following a project evaluation by a panel of judges, two projects will be selected and one project will be chosen as the “People Choice” project for most voted project on social media and at the 24th World Scout Jamboree commencing on 23 July 2019. 

Scouts interested in participating are encouraged to consult the full terms and conditions found on Scouts #MakeItHappen Challenge and submit their community service projects during 3 June until 12 July, on the Scout Donation Platform.



About World Organization of the Scout Movement 

Scouting is the world’s leading educational youth movement, engaging millions of young people to be active citizens and creating positive change in their communities. The Scout Movement is made up of more than 50 million Scouts connected together through a global membership of 170 NSOs. 

Media contact

For media inquiries, please contact: 

Farah Sayegh

Manager, Media and Content Development

World Organization of the Scout Movement