
(Vienna/PPÖ) - Hundreds of Scouts and Guides from associations in more than 25 countries across Europe and from overseas had gathered in the Syriac-Orthodox Church and listened to this verse from the Beatitudes and the reflections around this year’s...

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Highlights For its first regular meeting in the current triennium the European Scout Committee met in the Netherlands, home of the chairperson of the Europe Committee WAGGGS, with which a joint meeting was held at the same occasion. This meeting...

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Greetings from COP22 - WOSM Youth Delegates Saleh, Quintin and Samuel. The second week of COP22 went so fast! We worked hard to promote Scouts' view on environmental issues, met a lot of people, had new experiences and also some fun. While Quintin...

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Immerse yourself in the amazing week the WOSM delegation experienced at COP22! The first week at COP22 was a whirlwind filled with a lot of hard work, new experiences and endless opportunity. Putting our focus on education and youth participation we...

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Greetings, we are Caitlin, Seruya, Andriy, Nathaniel and Julius - your Scout Representatives who recently participated in the opening events of the United Nations General Assembly! We learned so much and told people from all kinds of backgrounds...

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Scouts will be at the UN General Assembly between 16 and 26 September. The team of young people from across the world will be representing World Scouting at meetings in and around the UN Headquarters. Topics will range across sustainable development...

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The European Scout Region would like to remind you of three deadlines for major events in the European Region this autumn: The Academy 2016 Larnaka (CY), 1-6 November 2016 -Further information: Event announcement - Event website - Event registration...

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The European Scout Region of WOSM and the Europe Region WAGGGS call for participants for The Academy 2016, scheduled to take place in Larnaca, Cyprus, from 1 to 6 November 2016. What is The Academy? The Academy is the European Scout Region's and the...

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WOSM is recognised with a Consultative Status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), making us an Observer organization and allowing us to participate in key global events such as international conferences, UN consultations and...

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Men are more interested in sports, women are better caretakers; men cannot cook, women do not like hands-on activities like repairing stuff… The list of things we hear all women and all men supposedly like or do is endless. Yet, looking around, these...

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