Scouting is more than fun and exciting activities. Rovers of Bangladesh Scouts are helping in a pediatric and oncology unit is a perfect example of this. A total of 40 Rovers spend 2-3 hours a day, 3 days a week, working on a rotation basis --...

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Highlights For its third regular meeting in the current triennium the European Scout Committee met in Venice, Italy. The Coordinators of the Areas of Operation were present, too, and joined the Committee for discussion of parts of the meeting’s...

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The Bharat Scouts and Guides is holding State Messengers of Peace (MoP) Coordinators Gathering on 5-9 June 2017 in Himachal Pradesh, India. This gathering of leaders has been instrumental in promoting MoP; serving as platform in receiving feedback on...

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Continuing the work of strengthening the local Messenger of Peace (MoP) network and training them how to effectively implement the MoP across the country, Pakistan Boy Scout Association (PBSA) is holding the MoP Team Pakistan Gathering Phase II in...

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Fiji Scouts Association (FSA) successfully commenced its 1st Messengers of Peace Local Coordinators Training Workshop on 1st May at Trans International Hotel in Nadi, gathering 25 participants and 12 staff members to build an MoP network in the...

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On the afternoon of 3 March 2017, President Tsai Ing-wen met with a delegation of Scouts led by Chief Commissioner of Scouts of China, Lin Yu-Chang, to present the national Scout scarf and the Chief Scout letter of appointment. During the ceremony...

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Over 70 participants from Scouts, Venture Scouts, Rover Scouts, Scout Leaders and Commissioners joined Messengers of Peace (MoP) Open Day on 3 February 2017 to explain what is MoP and how a Scout project that brings a positive change in the area of...

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Nairobi - Kenya: 20 National Messengers of Peace (MoP) Coordinators from different National Scout Organizations (NSOs) in the Africa Region have gathered in Nairobi for the Regional MoP workshop. The main goal of the workshop is to build capacity of...

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18 January 2017, Nairobi - Kenya: 20 National Messengers of Peace (MoP) Coordinators from different National Scout Organizations (NSOs) in the Africa Region have gathered in Nairobi for the Regional MoP workshop. The main goal of the workshop is to...

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Starting the year 2017, the 17th National Jamboree echoed the value of unity for a promising future, using the theme “Together for Better Tomorrow”. The national Jamboree was held on 29 December 2016 - 4 January 2017 at Mysuru, Karnataka State, with...

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